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All these bad things can be averted with your
Or  at  least  a  Dating  Permit!
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LiSENSE 2 DATE is a 3 Phase Program

The LiSENSE 2 DATE Program is divided into three phases. Successful completion depends upon full participation in each component to help ensure successful dates, improve communication in relationships and establishing healthy barriers.

The LiSENSE 2 DATE Dating Permit

The permit allows daters to master the basics and how to take responsiblity for the signs and signals they are giving.


They will also learn to recognize those coming from fellow dating prospects and how to respond appropriately.


Your LiSENSE 2 DATE offers full licensure after completing all educational modules and sitting for the exam. Thus supporting responsible dating behaviors without the concern of crashing and burning unnecessarily due to NOT reading the signs OR giving the wrong signals.

Getting on The Road

Activate your skills and get on the road with others through Advanced Lessons. These lessons provide personal coaching and navigation for those who are interacting with others on the highway of love. The pre-requisite is completion of the LiSENSE 2 DATE Modules 1 & 2.

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Learn a Skill-set and Mind-set to help you become Responsible and Accountable for the choices YOU make in relationships!

Read The Indelible Impression L2D is having...

The topics Dr. "Love" Griffin covered were exactly what I was unconsciously looking for! She wisely and powerfully taught us how essential and valuable the clear SIGNS and SIGNALS of dating are, and how they profoundly shape our relationships.

The gifts she lovingly imparted to me, that of inspiration and knowledge in understanding who I am, motivate me and assist me to commit to myself and to those with whom I will create healthy, lasting relationships. Dr. Torri's words are written in my heart and mind with indelible ink, "Everyone does not deserve access to MY WONDERFUL SELF!"  I received my LiSENSE 2 DATE Dating Permit, now I am ready for my LiSENSE to Thrive in my relationships!  THANK YOU  Dr. Torri "Love" Griffin!  -- Monique  :)


© 2015 Proudly Created with Love

LiSENSE 2 DATE | Dr. Torri Love, LPC, Founder & Facilitator

P.O. Box 360226, Decatur, GA 30036


LiSENSE 2 DATE is Trademarked and all educational materials copywritten.

Not to be used without expressed written permission of the Author.

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